Pollen Season and Your HVAC: Keeping Your IAQ High

Pollen season in Sunrise, Florida, can be intense because a variety of different plants are blooming at the same time. Keeping your home as allergen-free as possible is important for keeping your indoor air quality levels high. Here are our top three suggestions for improving your indoor air quality levels during pollen season.

Change Filters

Your HVAC filters are an important part of keeping your home’s air clear from allergens and contaminants. All the air that gets pushed through your climate control system should go through this filter first. However, if the filter is clogged or dirty, it has a harder time getting allergens out of the air and many can end up making their way through. If your family has allergies or sensitive lungs, changing your filter out once a month may make a difference in their comfort.

In addition, having a high-rated MERV filter can help get even more irritants out of your air. Check with your HVAC manual to see what range of MERV ratings your system can handle and go for the higher end.

Add an Air Purifier

Air purifiers can take your home’s indoor air quality to the next level. These systems can be either whole-home or just for one room. They use a range of different technologies to remove unwanted particles from the air, including bacteria and dust. Many use much higher grade filters than HVAC systems, allowing them to remove near-microscopic items and keep your home free and clear from allergens, bacteria and even viruses.

Check Seals

The seals throughout your home can make a big difference in keeping allergens out of your home. Windows and doors that aren’t properly sealed are weak points in your home where problematic debris can make its way inside, especially on a breezy day. Check doors and windows on an annual basis to ensure there aren’t any cracks or leaks.

Indoor air quality is an important part of keeping your family healthy. HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service is here to help you get the best air quality possible. Call us at 954-246-4141 to talk to one of our indoor air quality experts today!

Image provided by Shutterstock

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