Getting To Know Your Ductless System
Ductless mini-split systems are quickly becoming one of the most popular alternative climate control options on the market, especially for historic or renovated homes. If you have a ductless system in your Sunrise, Florida home, we created this quick guide to get you the information you need to know about these great systems.
Main Components
Unlike traditional ductwork-based climate control systems, the two main components of a ductless mini-split system are close together, separated only by the wall. To connect the two components, installation only requires around a three-inch hole through which electricity, refrigerant, and drain lines are run through. The interior component is where the thermostat and vents are located. Some only have push-button thermostat settings while others come with remote controls that can change everything from the temperature to the schedule to the fan speed.
How They Work
The interior portion of the system does a lot of the hard work, including cooling the air coming out of the system. Using intake vents, it draws in warm air from the room and pushes it over cold evaporator coils. This transfers any heat left in the air into the refrigerant line, which then removes it outside where the exterior unit gets rid of the air. The units are typically mounted high up on the ceiling so that they provide excellent circulation and are also in a good position to remove any heat, which rises toward the ceiling naturally.
Cleaning Tips
Ductless mini-split systems require the same maintenance on your end as a traditional system. Be sure to regularly wipe down the vents to ensure your system isn’t just blowing dusty air back into your home. Some units allow users to remove the faceplate — you can carefully wipe down behind that as well. Like a ductwork based system, you will want to regularly change out any filters included in the system, though they may take longer to get clogged than the larger HVAC filters.
Have more questions about ductless systems? HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service can answer all of your questions. Call us at 954-246-4141 to set up a consultation!
Image provided by Shutterstock
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