Summer AC Maintenance That Helps Keep Energy Costs Low

The Sunrise, FL, sunshine makes for a long, hot, humid summer. Even die-hard outdoorsy types are on the lookout for air-conditioned comfort while out and about, and if you’re at home, you most likely have the AC going full-blast. Florida air conditioners take on a lot of heat, and all that energy usage translates into sky-high utility bills. Here are five easy ways to increase energy efficiency and beat the high cost of indoor summertime chilling with AC maintenance:

1. Schedule a Professional Tuneup

Cchedule an AC tuneup, before the hottest temperatures arrive. Tuneups optimize cooling system performance, and optimal performance increases energy efficiency. Tuneups also minimize unexpected breakdowns, thereby saving you the cost of AC repairs. Part of maintenance is keeping the air filter clean, so be sure to change it every month.

2. Get a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are fairly inexpensive, and you can set them to automatically adjust temperatures according to your schedule. Simply turning back the AC every day while you’re at work can reduce cooling costs significantly and free up extra cash for something fun.

3. Keep the Outside Unit Free of Blockages

Anything that obstructs airflow around the outdoor unit should be removed. Cut back foliage, clear away debris and rinse the unit periodically with a garden hose. Airflow obstructions make your AC work harder and drive energy costs up.

4. Use Ceiling Fans to Feel Cooler

Ceiling fans won’t make the air cooler, but they’ll make you feel cooler by creating a wind-chill effect. Set your fans to rotate in a counterclockwise direction, and you’ll feel a refreshing breeze when you stand beneath them. With ceiling fans, most people can raise the thermostat by four degrees and still feel comfortable.

5. Get a Discount on a Tuneup

If you haven’t had an AC tuneup yet this spring, you’re in luck. Visit HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service, get a coupon for a one-time tuneup special, call (954) 246-4141 to schedule service, and you’ll be well on your way to lower energy costs in your Sunrise, FL, home this summer.

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