How Pets Impact Indoor Air Quality in West Boca, FL

Pets are an integral and important part of our lives. Along with their love and compassion, they bring with them dander, hair, and other pollutants from outside. Here are the ways that your pets could be impacting your indoor air quality in West Boca, FL.

Increased Allergens

No matter how clean you keep your pet, they’re going to shed air and dander. Dander is an allergen for many people. It is tiny and lightweight, meaning it can float around in the air for a long time without proper air purification systems in place.

Allergens occur in the saliva of animals. These allergens produced by your pets not only float around in the air, but they also stick to surfaces like bedding, furniture, curtains, and other fabrics.

Clogged Air Filters

Pets shed loads of hair, and no matter how much you vacuum, a lot will still end up in your HVAC system. As return air vents suck air into the system, it pushes it through an air filter.

This air filter catches all the hair and can become clogged in a short amount of time. A clogged air filter cannot efficiently filter out air contaminants, and your indoor air quality will start to suffer. If you have pets, it’s important to check your air filter every 30 days or so, and replace it as needed.

Maintaining Your Indoor Air Quality With Pets

You don’t need to give up your pet or accept poor indoor air quality. Vacuuming daily can have a huge impact on the amount of dander and hair that floats around. A whole-home air purifier is a good option to consider, too.

Living with pets doesn’t have to mean putting up with allergens. Call HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service today to learn about our indoor air quality solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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