Beware of These Common Home Heating Problems in Florida

If you’re a homeowner in Margate, Florida, and you want to enjoy the ultimate in home comfort, you should beware of these common home heating problems. All of them may negatively impact comfort. Knowing what to watch out for is the secret to keeping a home at just the right temperature.

Inadequate Heat

Yes, inadequate heat can be an issue in the Sunshine State. While Florida is synonymous with warm weather, the temperature does dip during the winter months. Many Floridians turn up their home thermostats when it gets chilly, but some notice that their heating systems just aren’t performing like they used to. One common reason why heating systems fail to provide enough heat is heating element damage or wear and tear. Regular maintenance will often identify problems before they become repairs.

Faulty Blower Fan Motor

Most heating systems and air conditioners share just one blower fan. This fan has to work hard regularly. In fact, it’s usually the hardest working component in an HVAC system. Sometimes, blower fans need repair or replacement. HVAC techs are able to figure out what’s happening with these components and come up with the smartest solutions.

Dusty Filters

Filters covered in dust or dirt may cause major issues with heating systems. They may also impair the performance of air conditioners. When dust or dirt gets stuck in a filter, airflow suffers. Air can’t move through the system as it should. When this happens, a blower fan may have to work harder than usual. The fan’s components may begin to wear out. To keep heated air moving through your home and avoid fan blower problems, replace dusty filters four times a year or ask an HVAC pro about cleaning your ducts.

HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service is a smart choice for effective heating problem repair. We believe in going the extra mile for our customers. For superior service from our friendly technicians, call us anytime.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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