3 Signs You Need a New AC System

Are you a homeowner in Parkland, Florida, with concerns about your air conditioning system? Air conditioning systems are convenient and reliable cooling systems, but like all HVAC systems, they don’t last forever. Major signs that you need a new AC system include higher energy bills, an extended age, and frequent repairs.

Spiking Energy Bill Costs

It’s normal for energy bills to go up a little over the years as AC systems age, but this is typically a slow process. If you see that your energy bill skyrockets by a significant amount, then you have a problem. That’s when it’s time to call in a professional technician to see what AC repairs you might need.

Age of the System

If you schedule regular preventive maintenance to keep your system running efficiently and effectively, an AC system can last you for 10 to 15 years. But after that window of time, you should start looking into installing a new system. More modern air conditioning systems have higher efficiency ratings than ever before, so even with the up-front cost of installing a new system, you’ll see energy savings right away in your monthly bills.

Frequent AC Repairs

Frequently calling for repairs is a strong sign that your AC system may be reaching the end of its life. The occasional repair does happen, but if repairs become more frequent, you should consider a new system. Replacing your air conditioning system can also give you the peace of mind of knowing that you’ve invested in a system that will keep you comfortable for years to come.

Air conditioning systems don’t necessarily need to stop working completely to raise concerns, and they don’t have to fail for a replacement to be wise. When it comes to owning an AC system, regular maintenance has been proven to ensure it’s working to the best of its ability. If you’re seeing signs like the ones mentioned above, one of our experienced technicians at HI-VAC Air Conditioning can help with installing a new system. Give us a call today at 954-246-4141.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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